On a day hike in north Vancouver below Black Mountain.

Eike on the way to the top. Jesse is ahead.

With Eike and Jesse on Crown Mountain. The panorama is worth it to go there. The view from there is beautiful.


On the way to Thurmanby Is. on the Sunshine Coast we had to transfer in Sechelt. The wind was so strong and the waves so high that Sabrina and i had to go in for swimming.

Jasons and my tents. The probloblem: there was no shade so we used the plane. This was a good solution while the wind was constant. But the wind became weaker. On this pic Eike wants to intimidate the plane so it stays where it should stay.

Not the best place to take a nap. They were lining like this for at least 30 minutes. By the way: this are Sabrina and Eike!

Sitting around the campfire with some guys we met there.

The hole campground. These guys were unique. Hope to meet you again . Same date, same time!

Nice pic, isnt it?

Eike and i went to Granit Falls at Indian Arm. We had to wait for a kajak so we joined Romy and Anja on their first section of their day hike to Mt Seymour.

Campground at Granit Falls.

Time for Dinner.

Keep Cool.

This was even colder. Silver Falls. Freezing. Eike went bathing to and he will confirm that it was f****** cold! We tried to swim but it was not possible.

Close to the waterfall. Some nice flowers.

Lynn Canyon Park. I try to make another "Torsten pic". This was the only way to get a pic of myself on my solo tours.

During the stay in Vancouver i made many of those pics and Eike created this picture out of these pics. Many Thanks to Eike!

Rice Lake in Lynn Canyon Park. This picture was taken on a day hike with Eike.
hey torsten,
net schlecht, aber du musst noch unbedingt meine seite verlinken ;-)brauchst du noch nen tipp wegen der fotos? ganz lieben gruß nach MS,
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