on tour with my buddies - Henrik

We rented a double kajak. This is easier. Especially on the way back. We had to to canoe against a headwind and consequently against waves.

Henrik and our accomodation.

After we build up the tent we explored the Island. On the west side we found this place to enjay the sunset and the baldeagles. On the way back to the tent we recogniced that there where campground on this Island.

Back in Sidney we signed in for a whale watching tour. The boat we were sitting in was fast.

At this day 7 Orcas were in the region. First they only passed by a few 100 meters away from our boat. Then they chaged the direction and it was hard to find them. Our guide changed the position and nobody knew where the Orcas were. All of a sudden they showed up 10 meters (about 35 feet) away from the boat. Awesome. You could see the under water.

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