A black bear eating black berries. On my last tour on my way to Mt. Seymour.

On top of Mt. Seymour. This time without my tent but with a tarp. The bugs kept me awake all night long.

The rising moon. The moon rose behind the mountains. I was wonderful to watch.

Sunrise. Looking west ...

... looking east.

On Mt. Elsay looking down to Lake Elsay. Once there was an emergency hut, but on my tour to the lake there was none. I had the tent with me so it was no problem.

Sweet black berries. They were everywhere.

This was on my tour to Lake Elsay in early may. When i started the hike it was foggy and soon it started to rain. In the beginning only a little but it got stonger soon.

Finally i was in my tent. Somewhere in the forrest at Lake Elsay. I was so afraid of bears that i knocked on a pot the entire night every 30 minutes. The next thing was the rain. It was so loud. But you could here the creek getting stonger and stronger. It was careless to do this hike in such wheather conditions - especcially alone. But i was equiped well and had enough to eat and drink. There was never a dangerous situation but if: it would be very dangerous.

This was how it was the whole night. All together 17 h from when it started until i was back at the parking lot. When i reached North Van the sun was shining.

To go to Lake Elsay you have to cross this creek. Normally you cross here but it was not possible at all. So i followed the creek 150 meters up hill and there i found a place where it was possible to cross. The river channel was shallow.

The day later. It rained the hole night. This is how the creek looked. I crossed the creek at the same place where i did it on my way to Lake Elsay. There i could evaluate the risk. The water poured into my boots. But this was okay. Better than spend there another night.

There was water everywhere. The trails i hiked on changed into small streams. In one section of the trail you have to walk through a creek. If it is not raining there is no water in it but if it is raining you have to climb up this slide against the water.

On a rock field. 3 hours left to the parking lot. On the pass it was snowing. The snow left from the lst winter was wet and it was exhausting to walk through it.

Back in my room. The tent had to dry. And al the other stuuf too. I got lucky because three guys gave ma a ride down Mt Seymour. After such a tour you do not want to walk down the road.
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