Jeans, thermounderware, three jackets, a scarf and a hat plus gloves. Big hiking boots. Ready to explore the city!

Sunset seen from the SkyPod (447 m) of CN-Tower (553m). Awaiting the dissapearance of the sun I got an lovely text massage. Would have been better if she was there but still ... [kisses to the sender! :-)]

On the glassfloor (346 m).

Look directed north from CN-Tower. Downtown from above!

Sadine Ave. Chinatown.

Waiting for the bus to Niagara Falls. We hoped for cancallations but there weren´t any so we couldn´t visit the falls. Because it was sunny we decided to go up into the sky for sunset.

Toronto´s new City-Hall.

On Yonge Street. If you want to walk down the hole street it will last a few weeks. 2000 km are waiting for you.

One of the glass towers in Toronto.

CN-Tower as you can see it from many locations in the city.


Fire fighters in action.

Myself and the CN-Tower. It is a good feeling to shout such Torsten pics. It is a long time ago scince I did so.

My dorm and my bed.

The plane I flew with: KLM, Boing 777-200. Very good service on board.

Over Goose Bay. Awesome. Looks cold down there!
Before I start to post the first pictures I wanna give a short update about the temperatures: -17 °C but feels - due to the wind of 30 km/h - like -26 °C. Awesome. :-)
Okay here are some impressions of the first days! And I didn´t miss the chance to tke some "Torsten picture"!
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