I spent the first two nights at Nels Bight. After my arrival i planed a day hike to the light house the next day. Further i wanted to look for all the relicts of the danish settlers which still can be found.

The wheather was perfect again. On the way to the lighthouse.

It was low tide so it was easy to watch sea life. I did not know at this time how fast sea stars can move.

Not much water left but still alive.

A little crab running on a rock.

The bald eagle. You could see them everywhere. His birdcall is very charakteristic but it is not always easy to spot him.

At the lighthouse around noon. You could still see the both small islands north west of Cape Scott. But soon fog came in and the islands dissapeared. One of the lighthouse keepers told me that it is a phenomenon of winter time that fog comes in from that side. And he told me taht the fog will be at the light house soon. Then we talked about climate change and he told me how dramatic the temerature increase really is.
Two guys are living there. In the summer time there are many people for a weekend or so but in the wintertime they are all alone. Even the rangers aren´t in the park during taht season. But they seemed to like their job and they were very funny.

The sea got more turbulent...

.. and the fog came in slowly.

Still at Nels Bight. We had only a few drops of rain that night. The other day i planed to go to Nissen Bight where the new North Coast Trail starts. I wanted to take a look. The trail was closed - under constuction - but i talked to a guy who looks after the trails and he said that the board walks were not finished but the trail was marked. So i decided to hike to the next bight. Tjis was a two our hike, one way.

There is no real trail. But there were markers all over to measure the trail with GPS.

At the highest point of this section there is a beautiful lake.

The next bight - or the first of the NCT.

Where is the trail?

I decided to walk back to Nissen Bight for the night and head back to San Jose Bay the next day.

The same evening. Relaxing. The fire was burning and i prepared for dinner. But what was this?

At 7 p.m. a wolf came to the beach (i hope it was a wolf and not a koyote, cause wolf sounds better. some people said it wasa wolf). He walked along the beach about 12 m (about 40 feet) away from me and my tent. There was only one other guy at the beach thatt day. He was preparing his meal so he recognized the wolf when he was 4 m (12 feet) away from him. This was great.

This are his tracks! Impressiv.

Sunset at Nissen Bight.

Hanson Lagoon. I am standing on the first dike.

The trail heads through the farmland of the settlers.

On of the boardwalks. It rains about 5000 mm per year (700 mm in Germany). So these boardwalks are a great help. I asked myself who built them. I don´t know the total distance but at least five kilometers.

At San Jose Bay. In this bight i met the guy from Nissen Bight again. He was on a solo sea kayak tor from Port Hardy to Tofino. We camped next to each other.

San Jose Bay.

Some Rocks at low tight. Before i went back to the parking lot i had to wash myself because i had to hitchhike back more than 300 kilometers. I decided to jump into the pacific . It was so cold but i had no chance to avoid it.

Back at the parking lot. My biggest problem: who gives mea ride? At least to Port Hardy!
During my stay the cougar was spotted. When i was on my tour i hoped to see him but not to close!

Campbell River. Here lived the first couple that gave me a ride. In this truck stop i had lunch. Great after a week with trekking food.

Then a couple brought me to Parksville and from there a guy - his parents came from Germany - gave me a ride to Nanaimo where i caught the last ferry. On the ferry i met a family from Switzerland. The offered me to bring me to my house in Vancouver. The lived close to my house so t was no problem.

During the hole way i sand on the deck and watched the setting sun.

And the rising moon and venus(?). Back in our house i unpacked my backpack ant took a hot shower.

Probably it is not the best solution but you feel more secure. Bear Spray. After spending a night awake because i was so afraid i bought it. I slept better with it.
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