Thurmanby Is. After the invention of the "honey shot"! I promise you: it keeps you awake all night long!

Still on Thurmanby Is. Jason, Sabrina, ???, and Eike. Jason was prepared very well. He sowed up at 2am with an ice cold cantaloupe. After two days of hot wheather. Awesome!
First i thought he had a basement under his tent - but the secret were two huge coolers. I don`t know where he slept but i guess not in his tent. It must have been crowded with the coolers.

Jason and I.

Thats me, one day befor my flight back to Germany.

Hmm - Watermelon. A knife would be so practical.

Horseshoe Bay at sunset.

Kits beach - on my secound day in BC.

In north Van at the north shore paintball ground. This was fun. Forbidden in Germany but doubble the fun in Canada. We, Jesse, Eike and me got a lot of bruises.

Romy an i. Normally she looks much better! But she`s kind of crazy sometimes.

Sarah and Romy at Kits Beach.

In our kitchen, preparing the BBQ. Kirsten, Romy and Sarah.

Maria, Anja, Romy and Sarah in front of the "Buffalo Club".

Yes, we were funny. Maria, Romy, Anja, Eike Jesse, Sarah and i.

On the trip to Vancouver Island. Sarah, Pisi and Anja. We thought we were old enough to travel by bus, but we weren`t. We had to Transfer at Granville but ended somwhere in East Van. None of us knows how it could hapen. But finally we arrived in Tsawwassen and caught the ferry.

During a party in the neighborhood. Henrik and I.

Henrik shows the way he wants to travel to a girl he met. She listened carefully. The still are in touch - mentally.

At tower beach. Eike and Henrik playing Frisbee.

Eike in Jesse`s Jeep. Watch the bottle behind the front wheel. The parking break was broken. But Jesse fixed it. (Normally you would use duct tape!)

On the paintball ground. Eike and Jesse. You can`t find them? Me neither!

Jesse building a dry wall in my room. Thanks Jesse!

One of his hobbies: Skateboarding. We picked up those ramps with a little trailer and were stopped by the police on the highway. We enjoyed our ice cream while the policewoman check his license.

Insider tip - part 2: If your battery cables are loose: use a mouse trap to fix it. (Normally you would use duct tape!)

Insider tip - part 3: If the heater of the hot tub is broken: just take the water of your boiler. If the hose does not fit to your water supply: suck at the end of the hose and let the gravitation work for you. (Normally you would use duct tape!)

Eike and Gab playing OFP. Guess how won the game!

Jesse and Thip. In my opinion Thip needed a baby. But she had Jesse to train a bit. Here she is feeding him with Vodka and orange juice.

Here she tries to make him burb after the drinks.