The next day. I slept well. Only a sheep woke me up that night as it passed my camp. We both were frightened when we recognized each other.

Sunrise in Maktesh Ramon. I started early this day since it was so hot the day before. At 4 a.m. my alarm clock woke me up. At 4.30 a.m I went on.


Maktesh Ramon in the morning sun.

The crater looks flat. But as you can look 13 kilometers it only looks flat. Smooth knolls - like waves - make it hard to hike at high speed.

The sun got higher and I wanted to leave the crater as soon as possible.

They seemed t awaitthe sun and the warmth of the sun rays.

And this is the reason why I was in such a hurry. Noah´s ascent.

Crashed cars attest the steepness of the ascent. And there is no shade at all.

Did it. On top. And the prize: a wonderful scenery.

Looking ESE.

Awaiting rain which is also rare in the "rainy season".

I followed the road heading NE. At this place I wondered how cars go up this slope.

It was a good decision to go on with the hike!

Blue sky and fantastic rock formations...

... along this part of the hike.

Cranes flying south.

The wideness of the Negev at it´s best.

Ubiquitous - not only in the deserst - the Israelian army.

Noon. Time to rest. And it would be to hot to walk. As there were no trees or rock to find some shade I used my bivybag and the tripod.

It relaxed and I waited for two hours so the temperature was acceptable.

Once more a typical view.

Come ...

... and go.

Where I came from.

Where I go to.

The next place to camp.

The every evening procedure. This time before sunset.

But only a few minutes later the sun disappeared behind the mountains.

The other morning. Mountains. The day before I walked on an elevated plane. Now I am back in the valleys...

.. and wadis.

Deep canyons. They must have been built over thousands of years.

A jackel crossed my path. A breathtaking moment.


Tracks of the jackel.


As I walked to Sde Boker ...

... I crossed the tracks and was lucky that a train came by that moment.

First signs of water 3 km north-east of En Zik ( 30°47'31.00"N 34°51'3.41"E).

I entered the elongated oasis from nort-east by noon!

The first thing I did was to find shade and to plan the next hours.

Far in the back there is the main place.

Not only palms but also bushes beside the road to the main oasis.

The wadi has several green spots on it´s way into the Zin Valley.

The main place...

...with trees. The place was full of birds and life. Unique! Awesome!

I took of shoes and...

.. was happy to be there. Did I mention the flies? Okay, from 30 minutes after sunrise till 30 minutes before sunset the flies were there ALL the time trying to get the salts on your skin.

After a nap on the rock - very comfortable -...

I refilled my water bags.

As the temperature dropped I explored the area without my backpack and walked up the hills. The trail going up there would take me to Upper En Akev.

Also at this spot I found no accessible water.

In the back the ascent to Akev Point. Steep, slippery and once in a while with the charakter of a fixed rope route. But unbelievable beautiful.

The pitons and the view. Worth it! (If you are free from giddiness.)

On top. From here you can go up to Akev Point, a hill you can mount from here easily. Since I was late I walked around and descended to En Akev...

... through this valley.

Looking back during the descent to Akev Point (30°49'43.96"N 34°49'30.34"E).

En Akev. When I started to climb to Akev Point from the road a ranger stopped me and asked me where I wanted to go. I told him "En Akev via Akev Point". He said I had to hurry up because by 5 p.m. everybody hast to leave the oasis since animals come there to drink. One should stay at least 500 meters away from it.

I used the campground that night.

While taking a picture of mine the stove (running on gasoline) exploded. :-)

This is how it should look like!