At Phipps exchange on the way to the ferries in Tsawwassan. We (Sarah, Pisi and Anja) missed a bus transfer so our plans were one hour late. The girls plan was to make a trip over the hole Island. The brought me to the gravel road which heads to the Cape Scott provincal park trail head. I went ther to spent there four nights. I had no real plans for my way back to Nanaimo where the ferries leave. I planed to hitchhike back from Cape Scott parking lot to Nanaimo in one day: About 350 km.

We and our Car at the airport of Van Island.

The highway on the way to Port Hardy.

A small gas station at the highway 19.

No cars. A foretaste of the next days?

But after we arrived in Port Hardy, the twon where the highway ends and the nature begins, we stayed one night on a small and nice campground.

The other morning. On the gravel road to Cape Scott. The road is about 70 kilometres long and owned by big trucks.
The girls could only bring me to the beginning of the road so i had to hitch hike; or walk. But first i said goodby to Sarah, ...

...Pisi, ...

.... and Anja. Their next stop was at Llong Beach at the West Coast near Tofino. While we said goodby a car with three woman came closer. The had a huge jeep and gave me a ride. But i had to explain why i left the three nice girls behind. I told them they were nicer, so they gave me the ride to Cape Scott Pariking Lot. The were on a day hike to San Jose Bay. During the hole time they talked about family affairs. Not to interesting but i was happy and enjoyed the ride.

The shoe tree.

These trucks own the road. They drive like crazy!

After half the distance.

Cougar tracks in the mud. I do not want to meet this cougar. But Dave a park ranger told me that he saw cougar double the size.

Eric Lake. About an hour from the Trailhead.

The first question of my teacher as he saw the pic: did you count the leafs of the flower?

A short rest to eat. It did not rain to much the last days so the trail was not to bad.

Relicts from he danish settlers.