About my stays in foreign countries. With wistfulness i think of those days. Here are some unforgettable impressions why it was so fantastic.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Mt Brandon - Cnoc Bréanainn
Far behind the sand beach in the bay on the left rises Mt. Brandon (952 m) over the clouds. In front the Dingle Peninsula. (This picture - looking north-east was taken from wikipedia.de). The last modification of the strategy was done in the morning. (used map: Ordance Survey Ireland, Brandon Mountain - Cnoc Bréanainn, 1:25000, weatherproof)The route analysed with Google Earth. The distance of the hike is 20.5 km. The wheather was beautiful and there were only few clouds left. This is not Mt Brandon but the summit I slept on - Brandon Peak or An Géaran Mór. Before the real trail starts you are warned by this sign. Thomas and Henrik fooling around during our first breal after 1.5 hours. Lovely! Panorama at our first rest. A good place to stop.
A rolling stone! Fog in the basin passing the saddle. Not the steepest section of the trail but after three hours we had to motivate Henrik. Yeah! Once we were at the saddle (after 3h 20) we had a short period of time to look south-west.
All the stresses and strains to be in the clouds! Isn´t it beautiful here? Once in a while we forgot to motivate Henrik. The summit is only a few meters ahead!
"Finally" at the summit (3h 50)! Windy and cold but happy to be there.Henrik and Thomas before they went back to Cloghane the way we came. I went the other direction to the next summit of the mountain range.
After 30 minutes I found the wall leading me across the mountain range. Now I was below the clouds so the view opend up.
But it was still very windy... ... but the clouds dissapeared by the time so that I could enjoy the sun.. Panorama to the south-west.... if there was not this cold wind. Here on Binn Beann Ard.
The journey is the reward! Brandon Peak / An Géaran Mór (840 m). Where am I? - Orientation was no real problem at that time. But I did not know if the wheather was settled. So I tried to learn the way by heard as long as I coul see it.Looking back to Mt Brandon / Cnoc Béanainn covered with clouds and Binn Beann Ard. This was the way for the next morning - An Géaran. I had to be back at the hostel by nine because we were heading to Cork the other day. The summit (Brandon Peak / An Géaran Mór) that was covered by clouds in the morning (6h 20). I decided to stay on top. Even if there was a lot of wind. Panorama to the north. Over the clouds,...... over Clohane, the rainbow and the clouds. A nice place to stay....
... untill the wheather changed. Clouds came in ...... but I still had my Bud. (Not the best beer, I know.)
Okay, here are ubiquitous sheeps you waited for. The descent I made was from Brandon Peak over the summit An Géarán to the way "An Bothar Mhileata" and than back over the road to Cloghane.Back in civilisation??? The descent from Brandon Peak lasted 1 h 30. After 2h 50 I was back at the hostel waiting for the others to wake up to take a shower.
Loved your pictures. I planned a trip to Dingle in late April to walk the Dingle Way with my godson. We would like to do Mount Brandon and Brandon Peak. I do not prefer to sleep on Mount Brandon but stay at the Hostel. Should two days be suficient? Any other tips?
Two days should be fine. I did not go to the Dingle peninsula but friends of mine did. And the Dingle way should be feasible. If you do the hole trail it takes about 8 to nine days (http://www.dingleway.net/). We spent two nights in the hostel in Cloghane - perfect. The hostel comes with a small shop where you can buy all you need. There is a well equipped kitchen and the scenery is beautiful. From there you can climb Mt Brandon an Brandon Peak within a day if you are fit and if you start early. It depends also on your godson - sure. I suggest do go in a cirle like I did because if you are on Brandon Peak it is mostly downhill if you walk south. Muddy but nice.
Loved your pictures. I planned a trip to Dingle in late April to walk the Dingle Way with my godson. We would like to do Mount Brandon and Brandon Peak. I do not prefer to sleep on Mount Brandon but stay at the Hostel. Should two days be suficient? Any other tips?
Thank you,
Two days should be fine. I did not go to the Dingle peninsula but friends of mine did. And the Dingle way should be feasible. If you do the hole trail it takes about 8 to nine days (http://www.dingleway.net/).
We spent two nights in the hostel in Cloghane - perfect. The hostel comes with a small shop where you can buy all you need. There is a well equipped kitchen and the scenery is beautiful.
From there you can climb Mt Brandon an Brandon Peak within a day if you are fit and if you start early. It depends also on your godson - sure.
I suggest do go in a cirle like I did because if you are on Brandon Peak it is mostly downhill if you walk south. Muddy but nice.
Greetings T
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