Sunrise at En Akev campground. Clouds came in an I also had a few drops of rain that night. It got windier and colder during the night.

Me at the pool of En Akev. You better walk up to the top of the ridge to get water because a lot of people go swimming there every day.

On top of the ridge.

The spring of En Akev.

Me filtering the water. 20 liters had to be filtered. Laborious.

The spring with clear water ( 30°48'50.80"N 34°48'48.25"E) ...

... and the flowers around.

Finally. Business before pleasure! Time for a bath!


That´s the fresh water dripping into the pool. So it might not be very clean.

When I arrived in En Akev I met two students from Ben Gurion Research Center at the pool investigating bats. They offered me a ride to the campground and back to the pool the other morning. I agreed and thought I saved 3 kilometers. But after the bath in the pool I recognized that my sunglasses were not with me. So I had to go back and pick them up at the campground where they were most likely. Fortunately they were still there!

Me in En Akev.

En Akev.

The plan was to hike to Avdat City to visit the ruins the other day. I did not hike directly. I went south east towards En Ziq where I had been to the day before.

On the pass to En Ziq. n the back the lower part of the oasis and Zin Valley.

Time to relax and have something to eat.

En Ziq.

In the Canyon south of Upper En Akev. It´s a breathtaking canyon which I reached via a steep descent.

Great rock formations!

Upper En Akev ( 30°47'42.93"N 34°48'44.58"E). Here is water available in between the reeds.

The ascent from the valley towards Avdat City is even steeper than the descent.

Daily soup close to Avdat City.

The ruins of Avdat City.

Theodor´s temple ( 30°47'39.22"N 34°46'24.94"E).

Stone arcs as remains of an old roman villa.

From the ruins I went back to Upper En Akev,

and from there to Sde Boker via En Akev.

Nature is the best artist.

High plateau between En Akev and En Avdat.

On the other side of the valley: Sde Boker.

Sunset and...

sunrise at En Avdat campground. I haven´t been to En Avdat itself. First I was late that day and second it´s very touristic. Nothing for me!

On the way to the bus stop. (Not free)

The valley WSW seen from the ascent to Sde Boker.

Ben and Paula Gurion bur burial place.

The symbol of the national park.

At the bus stop ( 30°51'16.64"N 34°46'14.81"E). Time to change the t-shirt and the pant and to use deodorant. After a week you recognize how intense they really are. Incredible.

Full of salts and other stuff. From here I went to Beersheba. I was lucky because a stundent who had a meeting there gave me a ride.

My shoulders and what the backpack did to them.

This happend not till I was in Jerusalem...

... but it was no problem and the healing was really fast.
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